Macau University of Science and Technology (MUST) has successfully completed institutional accreditation (IA), carried out by QAA on behalf of the Macao Bureau for Education and Youth Development (DSEDJ).

The review took place online between 21 February and 1 March 2022 and was carried out by a team of five reviewers, appointed by QAA. The review confirmed that MUST successfully meets all of the accreditation standards for Macao, set by DSEDJ.

   The review team also identified a number of items of good practice including:

  • the Comfort Heart Fellowship Program, which has significant potential to raise awareness of, and to prevent, student mental health issues.

  • the comprehensive nature and multifunctionality of the WeMUST platform allows ready access to a wide range of functions. 

Successfully completed institutional accreditation (IA) indicates the operation of our institutional management and programs meet the quality assurance requirements of Macao. The University will capitalize on this and continue to make improvements on quality assurance and enhancement to sustain growth and development.

Webpage of QAA: Macau University of Science and Technology achieves institutional accreditation 

Guidelines on IA by DSEDJ (version April 2020): Guidelines on Institutional Accreditation